Corporate Intranet launched for Aspire-i

Zooble Technologies have implemented a new Intranet for bradford-based Aspire-i:

Aspire-i Intranet Website Design - Bradford

The intranet offers departments a secure, easy wysiwyg content management system that allows them to update and add pages to the site, enabling them to be involved in the development of the site, enhancing staff commitment and ownership of such a valuable corporate communication tool.  Other functionality includes:

- Staff search and internal telephone directory.

- Easy icon links to internal software and websites.

- Integrated IT support links to Zooble Technologies’s internal IT Support structures.

- A QMS system that maintains present version control/security and allows links from various sections of the intranet to be enabled, increasing usability and enforcing Quality and Security requirements inherent in ISO 9001 and 27001 standards.

- Powerful google-type search engine that quickly finds links to a multitude of diverse and rich content from a user-input key phrase.

- Drag and drop functionality, giving read only access to documents using the internal Microsoft Active Directory security groups, yet allowing Intranet Authors to easily add documents to their section through drag and drop.

- Simple front page alert functionality that gives information and quick links to all static and dynamic content changes over a 7 day period, enabling staff to quickly see what’s changed within the Intranet over the last week.

- Integrated image library, with easy downloadable content and associated terms of use information to assist Marketing Functions.

- FAQ pages incorporated within each departmental section which enhances and staff knowledge.

- Event calendars and training request systems, allowing staff to sign up for internal and external training courses.

Future developments will include social media type content and discussion forums, reducing the impact and unnecessary bloat on more traditional forms of communication such as e-mail systems.

Questionnaires will also be incorporated, allowing management to engage and collaborate with staff.

For more information and a demo of our Intranet System, contact us today and see how we can enhance  your internal communication structures and meet quality and security standards requirements.